
Course Offerings

Learn about each of the different courses we offer at MLTAI including Environmental, Construction, Gas, and Specialty courses.

Class Application

Use this link to enter our Student Class Application portal where you may submit applications for all of the courses that interest you.

Class Schedule

View the tentative class schedule for each of our four training centers across Michigan.

Online Training

We now offer some courses online such as Lead Awareness, Asbestos Awareness, Silica Awareness, and more. We highly recommend completing our online COVID-19 Awareness course to help us Stop the Spread and Stay Healthy. 

Course Rules

When attending any courses or events held or sponsored by MLTAI, we expect every student to abide by the Course Rules laid out in our Student Handbook.

Application Process

Due to the increasingly technical and extremely varied nature of construction craft laborers’ duties, LIUNA has implemented an Apprenticeship program that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training. With hardwork and dedication, our apprentices can graduate in as little as 2 years with 300 training hours and 4,000 work hours. Upon graduation, apprentices receive:

Journeyman card

from the local union hall


CertificatE of Completion

of Apprenticeship from the USDOL

Full Journeyman Pay

from your employer

Submitting Applications

Within the Student Class Applications portal, you will be directed to a Participant Lookup. If you are new to the portal, your information will not be found and you will be given the option to Create New Participant. As you enter or update your personal information, please make sure it is accurate and up-to-date. If any information, such as your address, changes, please login to the portal to update your information. Previously submitted applications will be automatically updated with the new information. You will not receive notification if your information is incorrect.

Once submitted, your applications will be directed to your local labor union for approval. Once approved, they will be directed back to us pending notification.

Notification of Classes

We notify classes by mail 3-4 weeks before the class is scheduled to begin. When we have more applications on file than seats available for the class, we select those with the highest work hours to notify first. If you are not selected for notification, we will keep your application on file for up to 6 months to be notified for the next available class.

If you are selected for notification, your letter will include when and where the class is the be held and how to contact us for confirmation. We do not keep applications on file once they have been notified. If you are unable to attend a class for which you have been notified, you must submit a new application on our website to be notified for the next available class.

notification is not confirmation

Anyone not confirming their attendance will be denied entry

Confirmation of Attendance

You must confirm your attendance with our office before the deadline listed on your notification letter or you may be denied a seat. Seats are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. If we meet the maximum number of students allowed by the time you confirm your attendance, you will be denied a seat. If you arrive for class without confirming your attendance with our office, you will be turned away at the door.

No Show Policy

If you have confirmed your attendance for class, but are no longer able to attend, you must either call the Perry office at (517) 625-4919 or email to cancel your confirmation. If you confirm your attendance but are a “No Show” for the first day of class, you will be issued an offense.

Consequences begin with a written warning provide to the local union hall for the first offense. You will then be prohibited from training at MLTAI ranging from 60 days for the second offense to 6 months for the third offense and to 18 months for the fourth offense. Appeals may be made in writing to the Director of Training who will determine if good cause exists for not adhering to the No Show Policy and may waive the policy at their discretion.

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